for some reason the glass bulb exploded and broke so now just the metal part is down in there. i have been trying to get it out so i can change it. any ideasHow do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?Turn off power by flipping the breaker. Then get a potato, apple, or dry bar of soap, press into the exposed glass, and unscrew it.
Make sure its dry before you turn the power back on.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?cut a potato in half
stick the broken bulb into the potato
turnHow do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?turn off the switch or breaker.
1. Use pliers (needlenose or other) to grip whats left of the bulb and twist it out.
2. Purchase a bulb extracter
3. Heard of the potatoe thing but have never tried it.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?Cut a potato in half and shove the flat cut side into the socket as hard as you can. Once it's stuck in there real good give it a twist and turn the broken bulb out.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?get needle nose pliers, open them up inside of the metal ring, and use the pressure from them to turn and loosen the metal ring till its unscrewed. ta-daa!How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?turn the power off, heard of a potatoe but i've used a pair of pliersHow do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?MAKE SURE POWER IS OFF.
Try hotmammas needlenose suggestion first. If no luck shove a whittled potato down to fit into the socket, mush down and unscrew.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?You can unscrew the metal part. But don't do it with bare hands, the broken glass might hurt you. Use an old kitchen cloth while unscrewing.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?firstly turn the power off at the fuse box, then use some pliers or mole grips to grip the metal part twist and turn or unscrew and that should get it out.
very dangerous otherwiseHow do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?This may sound funny but it works.Push a potato into the hole and twist the metal part out. P.S. Make sure the switch is off first.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?First and most important - turn the power off.
Then, get a needle nosed pliers.
Use the pliers to rotate the remaining metal base of the light bulb from the socket.
Replace the bulb.
Turn the power back on.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?Shut off the power, insert a potato or a carrot and remove the rest of the bulb.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?cut a potato in half. and then take one half of hit. push it up on the broken bulb and turn till it comes loose.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?'s a trick that I have personally used. Get a regular russet potato and cut it in half. Use the freshly cut side and place it on the broken glass to where it sticks into the tater. Give it a little push to get some friction and unscrew the bulb as usual. The potato allows you to get a handle on the bulb with out cutting up your hands or electrocuting yourself.
After you get the bulb out throw the bulb and potato away (of course). Try it... It works like a charm.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?Ha ha. I guess I'm going to have to put a potato in my tool box. Is that what that big pocket is for on my tool belt? I always wondered about that.How do i change a light bulb when the glass bulb broke?Use a potato. Using pliers could cause a small piece of glass to shatter %26amp; go in your eye.