Tuesday, October 25, 2011
How to change rear turn signal bulb in 98 explorer?
Recently borrowed my parents 1998 Ford Explorer, and noticed that the rear left turn signal works, but it's very dim and hard to see very well. I've bought the replacement bulbs, but have yet to take a look at how to go about changing them. Any hints or tips before I give this a shot.How to change rear turn signal bulb in 98 explorer?Open the trunk/tailgate and unscrew the two screws you see.How to change rear turn signal bulb in 98 explorer?Pop the hatch, should be a little acess panel if not use a Torx or philips screw driver to remove the lens and do it like that,I have a 1995 F-150 you have to take the lens off,a mustang acess is inside trunk..