The way the casing is arranged makes the bulb inaccessible. There's no problem on the changing the driver's side.
ThanksHow can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?In the trade its called an DNA job
ie do not attempt....take it to a Ford dealer...special tools neededHow can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?I think you have to take the Headlight off the car then change the bulb then refit it. Should be held in by clips that slide up.
Why the thumbs down when I am correct ?How can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?if its anything like my ford ka, it will take you about 2hrs.
go to a garage for your own sanity!!!How can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?Obviously a case of planned obsolescence: they want you to trade it in for a new model. A Ford dealer should be able to tell you how to do it. Sorry I can't help.How can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?Take it to Halfords and they will do it for 2.99How can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?Also known as VBI - virtually b*oody impossible - without knowing the trick and having the right tools. That's progress for you . . .How can I change the main bulb of the headlight on the passenger side of a 04 Ford Mondeo?hi milly. lift the bonnet and look at the head light and on either side their is two pins on top pull these out and the head light will drop off in your hands. it should take you about 20 mins to replace a head light bulb. no more than that very easy.x