Monday, September 19, 2011
I have halogen lamp that stopped working; change the bulb but it still not working. What could be the problem?
I was careful no to touch the new halogen bulb before I placed it in the lamp.I have halogen lamp that stopped working; change the bulb but it still not working. What could be the problem?The important part of this question is about the voltage. My guess is that you probably have a low voltage halogen. If that is the case then you either have the wrong bulb or there is an issue with the transformer. Transformer could be defectve or the fuse on the transformer has blown. Sometimes it might be just as cost effective to replace the lamp as it is to have it repaired. A repair shop or Quality lighting showroom should be able to help you. Good luck.I have halogen lamp that stopped working; change the bulb but it still not working. What could be the problem?if it is one of those halogen lights that are sold are the %26quot;mart%26quot; stores the switch probably burnt outI have halogen lamp that stopped working; change the bulb but it still not working. What could be the problem?The new bulb could be defective.I have halogen lamp that stopped working; change the bulb but it still not working. What could be the problem?Could be a bad outlet,bad cord,bad switch,bad contacts ,wrong not touch the lamp with your fingers as you install it as the oil from your fingers will make it burn out.Use a napkin or paper towell