Friday, September 23, 2011

How do I change the bulb on a 97 Honda Accord? Thank you?

I bought the bulb and even figured out how to open the hood, but the darn turnie thing wont budge...what am I doing wrong? Thanks again.How do I change the bulb on a 97 Honda Accord? Thank you?The plastic caps that hold the bulb in simply have to be turned..........and mine were stuck pretty good! ( 97 accord) If you/brother happen to have a pair of channel lock pliers it makes it very simple and saves the flesh from the palm of your hand.....should be a 5 minute job.How do I change the bulb on a 97 Honda Accord? Thank you?Some of the bulbs can be more complicated to replace, and ever thing is plastic so. I would suggest to take it first to a local parts store like auto zone, advance, or Oreilly and ask on of the nice boys to do it for you. If that does not happen let a local aftermarket repair shop help you for a small fee (around FREE if they want your business or $5-$10 dollars).